Seeing a JIT error when trying to access my team with SSO

You are experiencing the following issue

I see the following error when trying to join my Postman team: You need to be invited to join the team as JIT. Provisioning is not enabled for your team. Please contact one of the team administrators.

What to expect

The first time a new user logs in to Postman through the IdP, a Postman account is created under two conditions:

  • The team has seats available

  • The checkbox Automatically add new users was enabled during SSO configuration.

When the team Admin sends an invite to someone to join the team, it is only when the invite is accepted that a new Postman user is created in the team. This is why JIT (Just in Time) provisioning has to be activated. Note: The action of activating JIT is done by selecting the checkbox below.


How to unblock yourself

Ask an Admin of the Postman team to perform the steps below:

  1. Go to Team Settings > Authentication.

  2. Select edit next to the Authentication Method

  3. Enable the checkbox Automatically add new users.

  4. Select Save authentication.

Once the team Admin has performed the steps above,

  1. Copy and paste your invite link to an incognito session in a browser.

  2. Select Sign in with SSO.

  3. Enter your team domain in the domain field.

  4. Enter your Postman account credentials. Note: Enter the password associated with your existing Postman account, not your SSO password. This extra security step requires you to enter your Postman password to link your existing Postman account. If you don’t recall your password, reset it on this page.


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