I'm having trouble joining my team

You are experiencing one of the following issues

  • I get the error Unable to join the team
  • I get an invalid or expired invite code error
  • I get the error Unable to sign in
  • I am unable to join my organization using SSO

How to unblock yourself

Unable to join the team

Make sure you are accepting the invite from the right email address, that is, the one the invite was sent to.

Sorry! You seem to have an invalid or expired invite code

To get unblock, refer to the article I'm having trouble accepting the invite to join my team

Unable to sign in

In the event that you have multiple Postman accounts, make sure you accept the invite link with the email associated with the Postman account you have been sent an invite.

Clear your browser cache and cookies or use an incognito session to accept the invite link.

Unable to join my organization using SSO

To get unblocked, refer to the article I’m having trouble joining my team with SSO


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