If you’re troubleshooting an issue with the Postman Desktop app, our support team might ask you to send us any of the following information:
- Application logs: Background information about events that have occurred in Postman. They can include errors and warnings as well as informational events.
- HAR files: Record information exchanged between you and Postman’s server.
- Crash Dumps: Captures machine, OS, and application state in sufficient detail and fidelity to allow developers to diagnose and, where possible, fix the issue causing the crash.
How to collect application logs
Launch the Postman Desktop app and then follow these steps:
- Open View > Developer
- Select View Logs in Finder (macOS) / View Logs in Explorer (Windows) / View Logs in File Manager (Linux). Your OS file manager will open the logs directory which contains your application logs.
- Select all files and create a single .zip file.
Note: In the event that you are having issues opening the Postman Desktop app, try to access the logs by opening the logs directory.
How to generate a HAR file
Launch the Postman Desktop app and then follow these steps:
- Go to View > Developer
- Select Show DevTools (Current view)
- Open the Network tab and check the box Preserve log
- Start recording network log. Note: If you see the red recording circle, it means that it already records. Make sure to first stop recording and then start the recording again.
- Replicate the issue that requires troubleshooting.
- Export the HAR files by selecting the downward arrow Export HAR…
How to capture a crash dump
Crash dump for the Postman Desktop app can be found in the following directories, depending on your operating system.
- Copy this path
~/Library/Application Support/Postman/Crashpad
- In the Finder on your Mac, select Go > Go to Folder
- Paste the path (command + v), and press return
- Select the subdirectories new, pending, and completed and create a .zip file
- Copy this path
- Open the Start menu and search for explorer.exe, and press return
- Paste the path (command + v), and press return
- Select the subdirectories new, pending, and completed and create a .zip file
- Go to Files. Make sure to show hidden files
- Open .config > Postman > Crash Reports
- Select the subdirectories new, pending, and completed and create a .zip file
- Logs only contain collection-related information such as the collection IDs and user IDs.
- Information about your synced data is displayed in the renderer-shared file(s). You can redact anything you don't want to share with Postman.